Telling Edna’s and Wilmer’s story started as a video posting project of putting together story and seeing where it went. After ten episodes things started to wind down, but it laid a base for storytelling to come.

Suffrage Wagon has stories & much more fun! on Vimeo.

Episode #1. Bess gets in trouble. Episode #2. Now Bess is in even more trouble. Episode #3. Wilmer Kearns enters the story. Episode #4: Mary Wollstonecraft’s books get Bess in more hot water. Episode #5: Bess and Edna argue about decisions they must make. Episode #6: Wilmer Kearns doesn’t stand a chance with Edna because she has been influenced by her friend Bess. But perhaps Edna can be won over with Wilmer’s storytelling.Episode #7: Edna loves Wilmer’s stories. He’s excited. But he’s in for a big surprise in the next episode.Episode #8: There’s good and bad news for Wilmer Kearns. Episode #9: Why Mary Wollstonecraft has caused so many waves. Episode #10: Bess cautions Edna about the downside of getting married. 

VIDEO: Fun building on women’s history, past hard work and accomplishments! on Vimeo.

Welcome to “Spirit of 1776” suffrage storytelling with Marguerite Kearns on Vimeo.

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“Choose it and Use it” is a video reminding us of how the past is linked to what we do today and its impact on the future.