Buried in my past is a history I spent with Toshi Seeger, the pivotal woman behind the scenes at Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, during the years I was editor and reporter for Woodstock Times, the Hudson Valley independent newspaper. There I learned from Toshi Seeger, the spouse of folk performer Pete Seeger, the importance of food in organizing to clean up the Hudson River.
Toshi Seeger stayed late at the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater office to recruit performers for the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater annual fundraising event to pay for some of the education projects underway. I was at the office often to work on the organization’s membership publication. I lasted at this job as co-editor of Hudson River Sloop Clearwater over a decade before moving to New Mexico.
This year is an opportunity to remember. I’m writing about today and yesterday. All of this is carried forward by Suffrage Wagon Cooking School, a feature at Suffrage Wagon News Channel.
SuffrageWagon.org has been publishing since 2009.