Suffrage movement flareup in Cuomo race for NYS governor

by Marguerite Kearns It’s amazing that references to the “suffrage movement” have surfaced in New York’s election campaign for governor? Not by the incumbent Democratic candidate Andrew Cuomo himself, but a verbal brawl in the media between Christine Quinn ( Cuomo supporter) and Tim Wu (running on the Working Families Party line for lt. gov.,…

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NEW VIDEO: “Spirit of 1776” for Women’s Equality Day

This new music video has people talking. Now you can get in on the act by watching the “Spirit of 1776” on YouTube. Songwriter and performer Eighty Bug assembled quite a remarkable group of musicians, stage hands, filmmakers, and living history staff at the Heritage Museum of Orange County in Santa Ana, California. [youtube]…

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Two new audio podcasts about August 26th, Women’s Equality Day

Have you ever heard the Joint Resolution of Congress that in 1971 designated August 26th as Women’s Equality Day? The first audio podcast read by Amelia Bowen spells out the directive. And the second podcast celebrates August 26th in song. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Follow…

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Dress up like Susan B. Anthony and attend a special festival for her this weekend!

If you love dress ups, and costume balls, then you’ll find lots of ideas on this blog about taking back Halloween. There’s also  step by step instruction about how you can look like Susan for your next suffrage-related costume party or event. You’ll join other notables including the Susan B. Anthony House & Museum’s Susan B….

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Last and final audio podcast: “Trouble Brewing in Seneca Falls”

The response to the seven-series “Trouble Brewing in Seneca Falls” has been terrific. In this final segment, Podcast #7, Elizabeth Cady Stanton discusses three women friends in Seneca Falls, New York, her neighbors, and some of the problems facing women in family life. This entire series of podcasts about the suffrage movement averages two minutes…

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VIDEO: Roast Corn from Suffrage Wagon Cooking School

ROAST CORN VIDEO Seasonal special from Suffrage Wagon Cooking School. Inspired by Grandmother Edna Kearns who canned corn, jams and jellies to raise funds for the suffrage movement. Are you planning to do something special on August 26th, Women’s Equality Day? Resources from the National Women’s History Project. The NWHP also has a brochure for August…

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Podcast #6, “Trouble Brewing in Seneca Falls” with Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Only one more podcast to go after this one! Podcast #6. Elizabeth Cady Stanton speaks about how the Seneca Falls convention didn’t end in July of 1848. The convention defenders had to defend their position on women’s rights and this meant educating themselves about hefty subjects including law and philosophy. These early suffragists initiated a…

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Get ready for Women’s Equality Day, plus other suffrage news notes

Have you set plans in motion to celebrate August 26th, Women’s Equality Day? Fun gifts and other products available to inform your event are available from the National Women’s History Project. Are you following the audio podcasts from Seneca Falls? Five of the total series of seven podcasts, “Trouble Brewing in Seneca Falls,” have been…

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