Put on the tea pot!

[one_half_last]The power of a cup of tea in the suffrage movement is spelled out in this two-part series by Ken Florey, the author of a book, soon to be released, on suffrage memorabilia. See: Part #1. Part #2. Alice Paul’s tea house, The Grated Door, also tied the tea room with organizing for the movement. For descriptions of…

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The “Spirit of 1776,” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Part I

Suffrage activists didn’t let the centennial of the Declaration of Independence pass in 1876 without a demonstration. In this chapter of her memoir, Elizabeth Cady Stanton explains the preparations associated with traveling to Philadelphia to make the point that the American Revolution remained unfinished as long as women were denied the ballot and basic civil…

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New York State Legislative resolution about wagon passes

State of New York Legislative Resolution (Senate: 2421, Assembly: 642) Whereas, New York State is the cradle for the women’s rights movement in the United States and it is critically important to celebrate women’s history as well as support programs that build economic development through cultural and heritage tourism, including the development of a New…

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