July 1, 2013 will be the “Spirit of 1776” Wagon Day in New York

This coming week both houses of the New York State Legislature are expected to pass a special resolution honoring Grandmother Edna Kearns’ wagon and its centennial and designating July 1, 2013 as the “Spirit of 1776” Wagon Day. Members of the bipartisan New York State Legislative Women’s Caucus that sponsored the resolution about the wagon’s centennial…

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Visit Seneca Falls, New York: the cradle of the US women’s rights movement

Visit Seneca Falls, New York: Located in the “cradle” of the women’s rights movement in New York State. Seneca Falls is considered the historic gateway to the Finger Lakes. Seneca Falls was destination in 2013 “Cradle” blogging tour.” [soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/91892720″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Link to Seneca Falls ad. Women’s Rights National Historic…

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Book on suffrage memorabilia by Kenneth Florey

McFarland Publishers has finished printing Women’s Suffrage Memorabilia–An Illustrated Historical Study by Kenneth Florey. Consult McFarland’s spring catalog for more information. The book is available at Amazon. The New York Times antiques column recently gave the book a favorable mention. If you’re a fan of Ken Florey’s articles on Suffrage Wagon News Channel about tea…

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Suffrage News Alert, plus book review by Tara Bloyd

NEWS ALERT: Two suffrage programs on UK television. One is a documentary on suffragette Emily Davison TODAY that can be viewed online. The other is a three-episode suffrage sitcom, “Up the Women” (see trailer) that starts this coming Thursday, May 30th. See overview and episode summaries: #1, #2, #3. And now for Suffrage Bookshelf: ___________________________________ Marching…

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