“I am not prepared for complications,” says suffrage writer Marguerite Kearns, author of 2021 book on Edna Buckman Kearns and her suffrage wagon

I have worn many hats, including descendant, writer, author, authority, and more. So I wasn’t prepared for the 2024 claim that supposedly happened decades years before when my mother Wilma allegedly promised Edna’s antique telephone used in the “votes for women” grassroots organizing to a family member. No related policy existed, Since this episode couldn’t…

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The New York State suffrage campaign wagon used by Edna Buckman Kearns will increase in value with the passage of years…

This volunteer project has been supported by many people over the years. They have included family members, organizations, friends, and supporters. This process has gone on so long that it has been the part of a long process of donations and offerings of love and appreciation. Many people have donated time, energy, research assistance, and…

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The suffrage video Marguerite Kearns made, showing that this votes for women wagon was different from the Smithsonian wagon…

by Marguerite Kearns The two existing suffrage campaign wagons, one at the New York State Museum and the other at the Smithsonian, are very different. The one used by Edna Buckman Kearns and others in New York City and Long Island was broader in its coverage on the blog and related book, Suffrage Wagon News…

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One of my books relevant to Grandmother Edna Kearns. . . but a little off the suffrage or “votes for women” topic!

Musings by Marguerite Kearns Watch a video and remember me as reading a book about Rosalie Gardiner Jones decades ago. Rosalie Jones was the daughter of a prominent Long Island family who supported US women voting while her parents and sister didn’t back in 1912. Daughter Rosalie Jones didn’t agree with the idea that her…

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Dragons define the Chinese New Year celebration…all year…we need dragons to appreciate women’s voting rights…!

  Marguerite’s Musings: I never imagined what has actually  happened. It seems that others speak of little more than “the sky is blue”or” it snowed or rained a lot today.” Little of substance passes for a real exchange.” Occasionally we are informed by other messages, such as “this social and political situation results in me…

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My first about nutrition book by Adelle Davis, a memory by Marguerite Kearns from Suffrage Wagon Cooking School…

by Marguerite Kearns I’m cleaning up in the space also known as my “home” in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I remember my first book on nutrition when we lived in West Hurley, New York —almost straight off the boat from Denver, Colorado, after we moved to the Hudson Valley. The Catskill Mountains were puny compared…

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New York State suffrage wagon editor made over 300 “votes for women” videos about grassroots suffrage organizing and lifestyles…

If you have liked the votes for women or suffrage videos so far, check out many more videos about this topic on Vimeo.com There, the news channel editor and writer Marguerite Kearns (or KearnsMarguerite) has posted the more than 300 videos she has made to publicize the suffrage wagon used by Edna Buckman Kearns donated…

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Emotion is More Powerful than Facts & Summaries: A tip from Suffrage Wagon News Channel

One of the best decisions about storytelling in my life has been the low cost to free writing sessions of Imaginative Storm on Saturday mornings. Then Allegra Huston, with James Nave, combines song and dance with writing and expression that I would never accomplish otherwise. Allegra has had frequent postings of Imaginative Storm that I…

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