Suffrage Wagon News Channel and its role in book consumption! Remarks by Marguerite Kearns, anchor!

Did you know about the layers of responsibilities women face so they aren’t able to view the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon when it’s up for exhibition? Vimeo presents over 300 videos made by Marguerite Kearns. Reviewing books was once a priority of Suffrage Wagon News Channel at Then there were so many…

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How about the writing of Marguerite Kearns in her second memoir, “Big Brother is Watching Me?”

The effort to bring food into the picture of gathering support for women organizing to win the vote is clear and ongoing. This has lead to many openings including anchor Marguerite Kearns spending the spring semester of 2024 working on her second book during her graduate semester that included “Narrative Journalism.” That’s when Dr. Patricia…

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How is Suffrage Wagon News Channel anchor, Marguerite Kearns, progressing with the exercise of her feet?

Ask anchor Marguerite Kearns for an update to answer this question… by Marguerite Kearns Updates are challenging. I was terrific in terms of intention, and much less so in followup. I have many documented instances of explanations and excuses to present here. I even evaluated my strengths and weaknesses. I decided that I was weak…

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Other videos about the relationship between food and social justice…from Suffrage Wagon anchor Marguerite Kearns

Go to Vimeo for videos highlighting the uphill struggle to win women’s right to vote. I studied film creation and production in order to fund my own educational videos. Suffrage Wagon News Channel has been publishing since 2009. Suffrage Wagon Cooking School is a regular feature. Once upon a time US women from all backgrounds…

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Another post from Marguerite Kearns about New York State Museum’s update from curator Jennifer Lemack about the wagon’s exhibition in 2025

Another column from our anchor Marguerite Kearns about Edna Kearns’ suffrage campaign wagon, the wagon promoting women’s voting rights in New York City and Long Island during 1913, and Marguerite’s 2024 emphasis on body politics, now and in the future… THE 2025 EXHIBITION OF THE “SPIRIT OF 1776” SUFFRAGE WAGON ON LONG ISLAND. . . …

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