Peg Johnston, suffrage activist Elisabeth Freeman’s great niece, contacted me recently. Here’s her post ro say that s she gathered the energy to write about Elisabeth that was inspired by a book that has made its way to us suffrage nuts. See  below. Edna Kearns and Elisabeth Freeman worked together. And I resurrected some of the family history when working with Jane Van de Bogart and Peg Johnston, who created the web site that’s a valuable trove of information about grassroots organizing to win the right to vote for US women.

Filling In the Gaps

Peg Johnston, cousin to Jane Van De Bogart, of Woodstock, NY has been a valuable contact over the past few decades. If it hadn’t been for my collaboration with Jane, I wouldn’t have met Peg Johnston.

There’s very little film footage from this period of the early women’s rights movement, so this 80-second clip is a treasure featuring Rosalie Jones and Elisabeth Freeman is classic. It is accompanied by a song, “Give the Ballot to the Mothers.”

We’re off to the Susan B. Anthony Museum & House in Rochester, New York! on Vimeo.


For bookings and interviews, leave a message for Marguerite Kearns (855) toll free 553 3666.

Suffrage Wagon Cafe VIDEO: Join us!  on Vimeo has been publishing since 2009.


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