Update from filmmaker Martha Wheelock about the Inez Milholland “Forward into Light” film and its anticipated wide and free distribution. Martha recently returned from Washington, DC when the National Women’s History Project honored U.S. suffrage martyr Inez Milholland as well as fifteen other women who contributed to America’s democracy through public service. The trailer was shown to those gathered at the special luncheon and greeted with cheers. Many groups and individuals waiting anxiously the DVD for screenings this year.
There will be a slight delay in delivering the polished DVD as Martha’s editor was called to Italy for a family emergency. The production is very close to a final form. All post–production work is in place, so there’s time enough for planning the an event or project film for your enjoyment, for school programs, and special occasions. Once the edited work is delivered to Martha, it will take about two weeks for the translation, closed captions, the sound mix, color correction, and pressing to be complete. The sleeves are ready to be stuffed and shrink wrapped. YEAH!
The awards for the Kickstarter campaign (books, t-shirts, etc.) have been ordered. Martha believes they will be sent out by the end of April 2016 when the DVD is released. Contact Martha Wheelock at Martha@inezmilholland.org or 800-428-7136. Her thanks go out to the many people who have contributed financially to the film and the memory of Inez Milholland.
For more information about the 2016 Inez Milholland centennial observance that acknowledges the 100 years that have passed since Inez Milholland’s death in 1916, visit the web site.
Please visit the web site and sign the petition that asks U.S. President Barack Obama to award Inez Milholland with a presidential citizen’s award for her dedication and sacrifice.
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“Choose it and Use it” is a video reminding us of how the past is linked to what we do today and its impact on the future. Celebrate women’s freedom to vote.