Edna Kearns disputed claim that suffs weren’t good mothers!

Considering that grandmother Edna Kearns’ oldest daughter Serena was a poster child for the suffrage movement,  Edna definitely felt sensitive about criticism for taking her daughter on the campaign trail. Often people shouted at her from the sidelines: “You should be at home taking care of your child.” For Serena, accompanying her mother was thrilling…

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Suffrage pageants were cutting edge for their time!

Hazel MacKaye (shown here) was riding high in 1914 when her pageant, “The American Woman: Six Periods of American Life” was performed at the Seventy-first Regimental Armory (sponsored by the New York City Men’s League for Equal Suffrage). This cutting-edge production milked the potential when combining drama and social commentary. Grandmother Edna Kearns was involved,…

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