Visit Seneca Falls & Long Island during 2017—New York’s suffrage centennial!

Seneca Falls, NY is a pilgrimage and a destination! on Vimeo. HISTORIC MARKERS IN NEW YORK STATE: Long Island, New York has been busy during the state’s 2017 suffrage centennial. One upcoming event is the recognition of the installation of a historic marker honoring Lillian Devere, suffrage activist from Lake Ronkonkoma on Saturday, May 13, 2017, 11…

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Chick History announces 50 women interviewed on women’s history at Suffrage Wagon Cafe

Morning at the Suffrage Wagon Cafe on Vimeo. We’re taking a look at “Chick History”. It is in its fifth year of publishing women’s history features. Rebecca Price conducted 50 interviews and now is spreading the word of the #HerStoryPodcast series. Fifty women were asked to share the historical story of someone who inspired them. Edna Buckman Kearns…

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Special exhibit of Long Island suffrage activists: Marguerite Kearns Point of View #4

Long Island women’s suffrage activists featured in an exhibit! on Vimeo. THROUGH THE EYE OF MARGUERITE KEARNS (Point of View); This has been a terrific year as far as recognition of my grandmother, Edna Kearns, and her “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon is concerned. An exhibit featuring Long Island suffrage activists at the Suffolk County Historical…

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Book about men supporters of women’s suffrage due in September 2017, plus Wilmer Kearns video: Suffrage Wagon Cafe

                    The Suffragents is the story of how some of New York’s men formed the Men’s League for Woman Suffrage. The organization grew between 1909 and 1917 from 150 founding members into a force of thousands across thirty-five states. Author Brooke Kroeger explores the formation of…

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Film about Virginia Woodhull, first woman to run for U.S. president: Suffrage Wagon News Channel updates

Women’s Suffrage Campaign Wagon on exhibit into 2018 at the New York State Museum on Vimeo. FILM DEAL ABOUT FIRST WOMAN TO RUN FOR U.S. PRESIDENT: Amazon Studios has acquired Victoria Woodhull, with Oscar-winning Room star Brie Larson poised to produce, and play the first female candidate for the presidency of the United States. Amazon bought it…

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New York State Capitol gets behind 2017 women’s suffrage centennial: Suffrage Wagon Cafe

State of New York rolls out red carpet for 100 years of women voting on Vimeo. NYS Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul launched the 100th anniversary of women voting in the state by announcing the Women’s Suffrage Commission’s website: It provides information about upcoming events across the state, profiles New York…

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“We’ve come a long way, baby. But does women’s suffrage hurt?”—Marguerite Kearns #2 Point of View

        Edna Kearns gets attention for her women’s suffrage work! on Vimeo. THROUGH THE EYE OF MARGUERITE KEARNS (Point of View) When I first started blogging  in 2009 about my grandmother Edna Kearns and her votes for women activism, most people had no idea what I meant when I referred to the “women’s…

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