Travel Tip—Visit New York State for its 2017 suffrage centennial: Suffrage Wagon Cafe

Travel to celebrate the 2017 New York State suffrage centennial! on Vimeo. Welcome to Suffrage Wagon Cafe where we stretch out and enjoy catching up on what’s happening with suffrage news, views, events and celebrations. There’s a great deal going on in New York this year in observance of 100 years of women voting in the…

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Browse vintage women’s suffrage movement cookbooks & have a blast!

        What’s happening at Suffrage Wagon Cooking School! on Vimeo. Here at Suffrage Wagon Cooking School we’ve been dusting off vintage suffrage movement cookbooks. Several are available free online. Many of the recipes call for a cup of this or a handful of that to make classic favorites like fruitcake, gingerbread, puddings, soups,…

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“Suffragette” film is now on DVD: Films for Women’s History Month

“Suffragette” film makes Votes for Women movement come alive! on Vimeo. NEWS NOTES FROM SUFFRAGE WAGON NEWS CHANNEL: “Suffragette” film is now available on Amazon. This film about the suffrage movement in England brings to life this important part of history. Many American activists such as Alice Paul, Inez Milholland, Harriot Stanton Blatch, and many others…

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“Spirit of 1776” women’s suffrage wagon on exhibit at NYS Capitol during March 2017: Suffrage Wagon Cafe

“Spirit of 1776” wagon on exhibit at New York State Capitol: Women’s History Month on Vimeo. GREAT NEWS FOR VALENTINE’S DAY: March 2017 will be a busy month during Women’s History Month at the New York State Capitol in Albany, NY when the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon used by Edna Kearns will be on exhibit…

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Inez Milholland honored at her grave in Lewis, NY during January’s women’s march!

Women’s march included tribute to Inez Milholland, U.S. suffrage martyr, in Lewis, NY on Vimeo. A VALENTINE FOR INEZ MILHOLLAND! The web site continues during 2017, the suffrage centennial for New York State. Inez was nominated for a presidential citizens medal in 2015 and up to the last minute we believed she would receive this high…

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Happy birthday to America’s first militant suffrage activist on Feb. 15th—Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony: The first militant suffragist from Vimeo. Votes for women: a focus at Suffrage Wagon Cafe on Vimeo. TWO EXAMPLES OF SUSAN B. ANTHONY BIRTHDAY PARTIES: Or plan your own party during February to carry on the spirit of the 2017 Womens March. #1: Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday Party on Saturday, February 18, 2017,  1-3 p.m., at the Lord Mansion Coach…

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Chinese New Year, women’s rights, fortune cookies, & another year of the rooster!

Chinese fortune cookies for the Chinese New Year on Vimeo. Make Chinese Fortune Cookies at Suffrage Wagon Cooking School on Vimeo. January is Hot Tea Month. There’s nothing better than a hot cup of tea and a homemade fortune cookie to reflect on the impact of the mass women’s demonstrations across the nation and around the world….

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