2017 planning for NYS suffrage centennial includes “Spirit of 1776” wagon

“Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon on exhibit during 2017 on Vimeo. Marguerite Kearns is host at the Suffrage Wagon Cafe. Follow SuffrageCentennials.com for news and views about upcoming suffrage centennials.  “Choose it and Use it” is a video reminding us of how the past is linked to what we do today and its impact on the future.

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Suffrage Wagon newsletter is on the stands!

Important Announcement: Suffrage Wagon quarterly newsletter is on the stands! on Vimeo. The next issue of the Suffrage Wagon News Channel newsletter is available. It’s your step-by-step guide to putting yourself in a position to make something extraordinary happen. We’re asking President Obama to award a presidential citizens’ award to Inez Milholland, America’s suffrage martyr. Here’s another…

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Happy August 26th: Women’s Equality Day!

2016 has lots of events and celebrations for women’s suffrage history! on Vimeo. We’re celebrating August 26th during 2016 by spreading the word about events, programs, and observances on Suffrage Wagon News Channel as well as our sister site, SuffrageCentennials.com Stay in touch about the campaign to make August 26th a national holiday. Follow updates about…

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Inez Milholland centennial observance in 2016! Sign petition!

Honor Inez Milholland, America’s suffrage martyr. Observe 2016 centennial! on Vimeo. We’re busy this week of August 26th, Women’s Equality Day. Check out the web site for the Inez Milholland centennial. Bob Cooney and Marguerite Kearns are national cochairs. It’s a campaign from the National Women’s History Project. Sign the digital petition that asks President Obama…

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Let’s make August 26th, Women’s Equality Day, a national holiday!

Help make August 26th a national holiday! on Vimeo. Women’s Equality Day: A National Holiday? The U.S. Congress officially designated August 26 as Women’s Equality Day in 1971 to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment.  A new proclamation for Women’s Equality Day is released each year. See the 2015 proclamation here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/08/24/presidential-proclamation-womens-equality-day-2015  Even before the…

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Off to the farmers’ market for Suffrage Wagon Cooking School!

Visit your local farmers’ market for fresh fruits and produce! on Vimeo. Recipes from Suffrage Wagon Cooking School bring back memories of how suffrage activists combined grassroots work with putting great dishes on the table for family and friends! It took 72 years for American women to win the right to vote, no small accomplishment. In the…

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