August 6th is the birthday of Inez Milholland!
It’s the birthday of Inez Milholland, America’s suffrage martyr. If you haven’t ordered your free copy of the new 15-minute film, “Forward Into Light,” do so now by visiting the web site for the production: The film poster is $20. But the film itself is free. You heard that right: FREE. If you’re a…
Continue ReadingInez Milholland film will be shown at Convention Days in Seneca Falls this weekend!
Honor Inez Milholland, America's suffrage martyr. Observe 2016 centennial! from Marguerite Kearns on Vimeo.
Continue ReadingOrder Inez Milholland film for back-to-school planning!
Wild West Women proudly announces the release and complimentary distribution of the film, “Inez Milholland ~ Forward into Light.” The trailer is shown here. This short documentary tells the story of American icon, Inez Milholland who broke convention with her striking conscience advocating for gender equality, pacifism, racial justice, unions and free speech in the early Twentieth…
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More interest than ever in the women’s suffrage movement and upcoming events and celebrations. Check out the Facebook page for the “Celebrate the Vote Festival” in September 2016. Enter the 2020 WVCI Slogo Contest by June 30th and give the planning for the 2020 suffrage centennial a boost. The National Park Service is observing its…
Continue ReadingAn early women’s rights film has been restored!
Great news about the restoration of a silent movie that features the early women’s rights movement. The video below was the promo to spread the word about the restoration funding “Mothers of Men.” Now we have the update –the restoration has been completed. Mothers of Men Trailer on Vimeo. We have been following this project…
Continue ReadingThis is the moment American women have been waiting for –a woman running for U.S. president!
Suffrage activists like Edna Buckman Kearns imagined a day when a woman would run for president of the United States. The day has finally arrived! In the last few days we’ve seen words like “suffrage” and “Seneca Falls” heard by millions of Americans. It hasn’t been that long ago when people had no idea what…
Continue ReadingBeacon, New York to dedicate street marker to Margaret Fuller
The City of Beacon, New York has rolled out the red carpet to unveil an historic marker dedicated to Margaret Fuller, noted American journalist and critic. She lived and worked in Beacon when writing “Woman in the Nineteenth Century,” in 1844, a work that became influential and impacted the organizers of the 1848 Seneca Falls…
Continue ReadingLast Day of Women’s History Month for an Inez Milholland Film Update!
Update from filmmaker Martha Wheelock about the Inez Milholland “Forward into Light” film and its anticipated wide and free distribution. Martha recently returned from Washington, DC when the National Women’s History Project honored U.S. suffrage martyr Inez Milholland as well as fifteen other women who contributed to America’s democracy through public service. The trailer was…
Continue ReadingSuffrage pageants were cutting edge in their time!
Hazel MacKaye (photo above) was riding high in 1914 when her pageant, “The American Woman: Six Periods of American Life” was performed at the Seventy-first Regimental Armory (sponsored by the New York City Men’s League for Equal Suffrage). It was a cutting-edge production that milked the potential for drama and social commentary. Edna Buckman Kearns…
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