Day #2 of the Suffrage Wagon Cafe festival: Reporter Nellie Bly goes undercover at a mental hospital

Message from Marguerite Kearns, Suffrage Wagon Cafe host: I’m back on this second day of the women’s history festival celebrating the opening of the Suffrage Wagon Cafe. This four-day festival started with my welcome greeting followed by the opening of the doors of the Suffrage Wagon Cafe. There was even a reminder that when you’re planning your next vacation,…

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Day #1 of Suffrage Wagon Cafe Festival: A message from host Marguerite Kearns

SPECIAL VIDEO: Marguerite Kearns’ welcome message for Suffrage Wagon Cafe’s opening, the go-to place for women’s suffrage programs on Vimeo. Suffrage Wagon Cafe is open. Welcome! This video highlights a special greeting from me, your host Marguerite Kearns. It’s important to note how Americans are making a connection today between their family histories and the…

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Four-day women’s suffrage festival at Suffrage Wagon Cafe starts March 28, 2015

Dear Friends, Instead of a long posting, we’re featuring the upcoming Suffrage Wagon Cafe programming during this four-day festival primarily in images. Starting Saturday, March 28th, here’s an overview of the special programs planned. The cafe opening is on SWAN Day during Women’s History Month. Performer/songwriter Eighty Bug composed and performed in the award-winning video, the “Spirit…

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IMPT announcement about New York State’s 2017 centennial, plus Women’s History Month news notes video

VIDEO: News Notes for Women’s History Month: From Suffrage Wagon News Channel on Vimeo. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT in the Winter/Spring issue of the quarterly newsletter. Have you heard about the exhibition of the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage wagon in the upcoming New York State suffrage centennial celebration in 2017? The Alice Paul Institute has celebrated its 30th…

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“Spirit of 1776” campaign on its way with Winter/Spring quarterly newsletter

VIDEO: Suffrage Wagon Quarterly Newsletter coming soon. Are you ready to follow the Spirit of 1776? on Vimeo. The Spirit of 1776 is a campaign being launched during Women’s History Month 2015 by Suffrage Wagon News Channel to restore the women’s suffrage movement to its rightful place in American history. We’re persistent in our goal of inspiring,…

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Can the U.S. catch up to the U.K. in suffrage movement awareness? Marguerite’s Musings

VIDEO: “Marguerite’s Musings” is a regular column about women’s history! on Vimeo. by Marguerite Kearns The United States is racing to catch up with the United Kingdom that has been far ahead in terms of bringing awareness of the historic women’s suffrage movement to public attention in recent years. Keep in mind that American audiences haven’t…

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Suffrage movement announcement board: Suffrage Wagon News Channel

The New York State Museum has announced its 2017 exhibit for the state’s suffrage centennial.       New York City has staff working on planning for the state’s 2017 suffrage centennial. This is the first of many announced events. Follow Suffrage Wagon News Channel on Facebook and Twitter. Quarterly newsletters just by signing up. Suffrage Wagon…

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Videos about Suffrage Wagon Cafe’s opening on SWAN Day!

VIDEO: Mark your calendar for special suffrage movement programs for women voters at the Suffrage Wagon Cafe! on Vimeo. Suffrage Wagon Cafe will open on March 28, 2015 as part of the international celebration of women artists called SWAN Day (Support Women Artists Now Day). It’s an initiative underway to imagine and manifest what it’s like for women’s…

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Martha Burk’s book, “Your Voice, Your Vote” on Suffrage Wagon Bookshelf

VIDEO: “Your Voice, Your Vote” by Martha Burk, featured on Suffrage Wagon Bookshelf on Vimeo. “Your Voice, Your Vote” by Martha Burk is a must-have reference for the modern voter. Any book that features the 1848 Seneca Falls women’s rights convention in the first chapter has my attention from the start. Burk makes it clear that…

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