Museum Renovation for Kearns suffrage campaign wagon in New York State is still in the works!

If we’re counting on state bureaucracies, things always take longer than we think. The process of putting the “Spirit of 1776” suffrage campaign wagon on exhibition always takes longer than anticipated.And the same is true of an equal rights amendment to the US Constitution. There is a 300+ coalition of organizations working on it now….

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Why is the anchor of Suffrage Wagon News Channel-Marguerite Kearns- focusing on her feet?

COLUMN FROM MARGUERITE KEARNS I started with evaluating my emphasis on my feet. They are neglected in general, says my exercise teacher. And reluctantly I admitted that the category of my mind and that of spirit are given more emphasis than my body. Yikes. This is something I have to correct. That’s why I registered…

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Point of view from Marguerite Kearns about double standards and women’s rights!

This posting addresses the Pulitzer Prize  winning series that won a Pulitzer Prize for breaking news in 2022. This commentary is in the spirit of an open discussion of values and comparisons. I chose the posed image of the two reporters beaten for filming a rally in support of women’s rights in Afghanistan. The…

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