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Become part of the effort to make August 26th (Women’s Equality Day) a federal holiday. The National Women’s History Project has put out an invitation for interested people to sign up (free) to join the Women’s History Alliance to help link women’s history advocates at the local, state, and federal levels and expand each group’s circle of influence.
One of the Alliance’s first efforts is to lobby and make Women’s Equality Day on August 26th a federal holiday. There is no federal holiday at this time that honors women.
Sign up to help at the NWHP web site—
Suffrage Wagon News Channel News is edited by the channel’s anchor, Marguerite Kearns, first wave descendant and granddaughter of Edna Kearns and Wilmer Kearns, suffrage activists.
Do you have any information about whether or not designs for new $5, $10 and $20 bills will be unveiled in 2020 in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of American women winning the right to vote? Let us know and what steps are next to follow through.

by Marguerite Kearns
We’re getting ready to observe 2020, the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution. Women and their allies struggled for the amendment for over 70 years. It was finally ratified in August 1920.
There was plenty of controversy back then with many arguments and examples of people coming together and standing apart. The story of the first wave isn’t cut and dry. It was complicated, and there were many layers.
It was difficult enough to win the right to vote for women. AND EQUALLY DIFFICULT was the struggle to make these rights available after 1920 for everyone. The struggle continues today to keep advances from being undermined or watered down. It’s not enough to celebrate. We must stay on top of the issue.
There are those saying that the 19th Amendment isn’t important. That we should let 2020 come and go without giving the observance any special recognition. Nonsense. Voting rights were the focus of the first wave of the women’s rights movement in the US. This first wave must be viewed as part of a larger timeline. Each wave has had highs and lows, victories and disappointments.
Here at Suffrage Wagon News Channel we have been on the case by publishing since 2009. This suffrage wagon platform is dedicated to writing women into history. We join the National Women’s History Project and many others in this pursuit. The National Women’s History Project publishes a periodic gazette chock full of information and background called “How Women Won the Vote.” It’s available through the NWHP’s store, in bulk, and it’s a terrific handout for August 26th observances and other occasions throughout the year.
Suffrage Wagon has been publishing since 2009 because we believe that the 1920 ratification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was a major turning point in American history. There’s a suffragist memorial in the planning stages outside of Washington, DC. Turning Point Suffragist Memorial. This isn’t a fly by night operation. Turning Point has been raising money to open this memorial for years. And there is much more in the works.
Planning is underway across the nation by towns, cities, states, organizations, and individuals who are excited about this opportunity of elevating this centennial to the point of widespread recognition.
Let’s get the entire story of this monumental struggle out in the open. We’re looking at the movement in all of its variations, stripes, and stories. There’s a web site dedicated just to news about the first wave of the women’s rights movement. Check out #2020centennial.
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