Watch the VideoWelcome to a special feature from the Suffrage Wagon Cafe.

And happy August 26th.

Now that the 2020 national suffrage is centennial around the corner, we’re finding ways to observe and celebrate August 26th, Women’s Equality Day.

Suffrage Wagon Cafe VIDEO: Join us! on Vimeo.

Help make August 26th a national holiday! on Vimeo.

From Marguerite Kearns:

Hello, Friends,

This coming year, 2020, is an opportunity to remember the ongoing efforts on behalf of making August 26th a national holiday. When I started publishing online about my grandparents, Edna and Wilmer Kearns, ten years ago, the 2020 suffrage centennial was way beyond the awareness of most folks I knew.

Now, I can feel the extraordinary energy going on around me. And some of this is funneled into gathering support for making August 26th a national holiday. Many states now have suffrage commissions to honor the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.

The word has been spread by advocates, descendants, historians, activists, educators, students, people of all backgrounds and shades of opinion. This outreach has been on the grassroots and voluntary, for the most part. It’s work done for the love of it.

There is still time to plan for your family and friends, organizations, and special interest groups during 2020. What does this observance mean for yourself, your family, community, and etc? Get busy now, while there’s still time. Take action for the love of it.



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